The Head of the Law Studies Program at the Faculty of Law, University of Muhammadiyah Malang, Nu'man Aidur, SH, M.Hum attended the cooperation workshop between the Indonesian Law College Leaders Association and the University of Cebu, School of Law with the theme "Workshop on Harmonizing Asean Legal System in The Perspective of AEC ”in Cebu, Philippines on 9 - 14 November 2015. The Faculty of Law of UMM is a member of the Association so that to strengthen the network in Asean, it is considered important to explore cooperation with overseas campuses, one of which is the University Cebu, which has approximately 45,000 students.
The workshop in it described how the law of doing business in the Philippines and Indonesia, the preparation of the Indonesian and Philippine governments for the Asean economic community, Philippine culture and conflict resolution in the Philippines and of course the M.o.U signing between the Faculty of Law, University of Muhammadiyah Malang and the School of Law, University of Cebu.
The signing of M.o.U is considered important as one of the important steps of the Faculty of Law, University of Muhammadiyah Malang to expand the network not only in the scope of national cooperation, but gradually FH UMM opens itself up and intensively pursues international recognition for the development of the Tri Dharma of Education on a regular basis.
Edited by: CYA, 2020