Presenting Land Law Experts from Malaysia, FH UMM Discusses Agrarian Problematics

Saturday, December 17, 2022 16:12 WIB   Fakultas Hukum

Malang (17/12) - The agrarian problem has never found a solution. Many people are victimized and conflicts continue to spread. This was conveyed by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Jady Zaidi Bin Hassim as Dean of the Faculty of Law at Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia when he was appointed as a guest speaker in the guest lecture agenda held by the Faculty of Law, Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang, December 17, 2022. The guest lecture agenda with the theme "Malaysia Land Law: The Concept of the Indefeasibility of Title in the Malaysia Land Law" was intended for FH UMM students who were taking Agrarian Law courses.

In his presentation, Jady explained that the many regulations in several laws and regulations have created legal uncertainty. It even causes losses. The regulation of land in Indonesia is included in several laws such as Supreme Court Decree No. 495 of 1975. Then there is also Government Regulation No. 24 of 1997 concerning Land Registration and Law No. 5 of 1960 concerning Basic Agrarian Regulations (UUPA).

He said "Those who are harmed can be from the government, namely the National Land Agency (BPN) or the community whose ownership of land rights is threatened. Because there is a possibility of overlapping land certificates".

He also compared it to Malaysia. There when a person holds the right to the land, the ownership is considered inalienable. This means that no one can question land ownership based on land rights. Only the same person can transfer land through land rights to another person at the Land Office.

"In Malaysia, the land regulations use the Torrens system. The principle of the system is that the registered owner has undisputed rights. Certificates can be challenged if there are problems or indications of fraud," he said.

Furthermore, the Dean of FH UMM Dr. Tongat, SH, M.Hum. also hopes that the material provided will be able to provide new experiences and insights for students. Mainly in the land system in Indonesia and Malaysia.

On that occasion, FH UMM and FUU Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia signed a cooperation agreement. That way, there will be many collaborative programs that both can do. "Previously we have also collaborated with Young San University. Of course this collaboration can expand the opportunities for students to participate in exchanges to various countries and explore legal science there," he concluded. (ros/wil/saf/hum)

