Student Activities

The Faculty of Law, University of Muhammadiyah Malang (FH-UMM) is committed to producing professional, humanist and religious law graduates. We realize this commitment in the form of an integrated student development program. The integration in question is the development and assistance provided in every field of student activities. There are 3 fields of student activities that will receive integrated development, including curricular, co-curricular and extra-curricular activities. Curricular activities are learning activities that are carried out based on curriculum guidelines. Among these activities are lectures, practicums, professional training, etc. Co-curricular activities are activities that support the curricular. Activities outside the classroom but are still closely related to the field of legal science. While extra-curricular activities are activities that are not related to the curricular, for example activities in the field of talent interests such as sports, arts, religion, etc. The Faculty of Law, UMM provides integrated development facilities to ensure that students receive sufficient competency to compete.

Learning Aktivities 


Legal Profession Training

Student Discuss

Debate Competition

Internal Mootcourt Competition