The Faculty of Law of the University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) was established in September 1965 on the initiative of figures and leaders of Muhammadiyah in the Malang Region (including Prof. A. Masyur Effendy, SH., MS., Prof. Drs. Sufyan Aman, SH., Habib Syarbini, SH., Amir Hamzah, SH., and others). The Faculty of Law is one of the oldest faculties at UMM besides the Faculty of Economics and the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP). At the beginning of its establishment, the Faculty of Law held the predicate of registered status based on the Decree of the Directorate General of Higher Education Number: 68 / B-Swt / P / 1966, dated December 30, 1966. With the study programs or departments that existed at the beginning of its establishment were the Civil Department and the Criminal Department. As an institution managed by the private sector, its journey has experienced the dynamics of inevitable ups and downs. In 1970, the Faculty of Law stopped its academic curricular activities, due to the low enthusiasm of the community interested in becoming students of the Faculty of Law. As is known, the implementation of education at the UMM Faculty of Law is entirely dependent on the number of students. Therefore, the matter of stopping the academic activities of the Faculty of Law is understandable because the enthusiasm of the community causes the cost of implementation to be expensive.
In 1976/1977, a bright spot began to spark hope for the activation of the UMM Faculty of Law, when reforms and reorientations occurred both at the level of coordination of private universities (Kopertis) Region VII which functions as a mentor for private universities (PTS). Then at the University level (UMM) in 1976 the Master Plan for Development (RIP) was prepared and followed by the ratification of UMM status in 1977, which was then ratified by the Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia with Decree Number: 0721/U/77, dated December 31, 1977. In order to realize the RIP and statutes and for the existence of UMM as an institution that appreciates and focuses on the progress of education in the country in general and in the city of Malang in particular, in 1978 the UMM Faculty of Law was reactivated based on the accreditation system issued in 1977 and the national curriculum in effect at that time. Then through the Decree of the Minister of Education and Culture Number: 070/0/1985 dated February 18, 1985, it obtained Registered status (2nd status accreditation). In 1987 based on the Decree of the Minister of Education and Culture Number: 0308/0/1987, dated June 8, 1987, it obtained recognized status and in 1989 it obtained Equalized status based on the Decree of the Minister of Education and Culture No. 0447/0/1989/, dated July 19, 1989. Furthermore, in the development of UMM which has been quite rapid, the Faculty of Law with Equalized status since 1990 has been recorded as one of the faculties that has developed well in the UMM environment. Then, during the last accreditation conducted by the Ministry of Education and Culture in 1993, the UMM Faculty of Law was able to maintain its Equalized status, as decided in the Decree of the Directorate General of Higher Education, Ministry of Education and Culture Number: 648/Dikti/Kep/1993 dated November 23, 1993. Then, in its accreditation conducted by the National Accreditation Board (BAN) in 1998, based on BAN Decree Number: 01168/Ak-1.1/UMMIHK/VIII/1998, the UMM Faculty of Law was declared Accredited with a B rating. Furthermore, based on the Accreditation conducted by the National Accreditation Board (BAN) with BAN Decree Number: 06051/Ak-VII-S1-036/UMMIHK/XX/2003, the UMM Faculty of Law was declared Accredited with an A rating (Very Good). The UMM Faculty of Law has successfully maintained its A Accreditation status until 2023. After the issuance of BAN-PT Regulation Number 1 of 2022, there was a change in the accreditation status scheme to Excellent, Very Good, and Good. In 2022, based on BAN-PT Decree Number: 6088/SK/BAN-PT/Ak.KP/S/IX/2022, the FH-UMM Law Study Program was declared Accredited with a "Excellent" rating. An accreditation rating that provides the highest quality recognition.
Changes and improvements to the higher education curriculum and the elimination of study programs or departments also contributed to the dynamics of the UMM Faculty of Law. Based on the Decree of the Minister of Education and Culture Number: 017/D.O/1993 in conjunction with the Decree of the Minister of Education and Culture Number: 036/U/1993, and the Decree of the Minister of Education and Culture Number: 0325/U/1994 concerning the Nationally Applicable Curriculum for the Bachelor of Law Program, it states that in the Bachelor of Law (S1) education level there are no more majors or majors have been removed. Henceforth, the Faculty of Law only has one study program, namely the law study program. Since 2021, the UMM Faculty of Law has held the Center of Excellence (CoE) Professional Class for Advocate Assistants. This CoE program ensures that graduates have complete competencies, strong character and extensive practical experience and are ready to become "Ready to Work" Advocates.