Internal Quality Assurance System

The Faculty of Law, University of Muhammadiyah Malang is an institution that organizes quality higher legal education. History has recorded that the Faculty of Law, University of Muhammadiyah Malang has been able to maintain the highest accreditation status (Accredited A) since 2003. Along with amandement of the accreditation scheme, Faculty of Law has been able to achieve Excellent Accreditation from 2022 until 2030. This achievement is a manifestation of the quality statement of the Faculty of Law, as stated in our Vision. This is in accordance with the mandate of Law Number 12 of 2012 concerning Higher Education which is regulated more specifically through Permendikbudristek No. 53 of 2023. Article 51 paragraph (1) of regulation states that qualified Higher Education is Higher Education that produces graduates who are able to actively develop their potential and produce Science and/or Technology that is useful for Society, the nation, and the state. In order to ensure the fulfillment of the quality of higher education, a higher education institution must compile, determine and implement an Internal Quality Assurance System.

Refers to Permendikbudristek Number 53 of 2023, the Internal Quality Assurance System (SPMI), is a series of elements and processes that are interrelated and arranged regularly in order to guarantee and improve the quality of higher education in universities autonomously. In implementing SPMI, the Faculty of Law implements good university governance based on the principles of accountability, transparency, non-profit, effectiveness, efficiency, and continuous quality improvement, which mutually examine and balance each other. SPMI in Faculty of Law is implemented through the PPEPP cycle (Determination, Implementation, Evaluation, Control and Improvement of Higher Education Standards). In order to integrate the implementation of SPMI through the PPEPP cycle, the University of Muhammadiyah Malang developed a management information system called the Integrated Quality Assurance and Survey System (IQASS).