Management Structure of Faculty of Law

Faculty Leaderboard


Prof. Dr. Tongat, SH., M.Hum



Bayu Dwi Widdy Jatmiko, SH., M.Hum

Vice Dean for Academic Affairs


Ratri Novita Erdianti, SH., M.Hum

Vice Dean for Finance Affairs, Human Resources, and Infrastructure


Said Noor Prasetyo, SH., MH.

Vice Dean for Students Affairs, Alumni, and Cooperation


Bachelor Program of Law Leaderboard

Cholidah, SH., MH

Head of Bachelor Program of Law

Dwi Ratna Indri Hapsari, SH., MH.

Secretary of Bachelor Program of Law

Nur Putri Hidayah, SH., MH.

Secretary of Bachelor Program of Law

Isdian Anggraeny, SH., M.Kn.

Head of Laboratory of Law