International Program

University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) has a Vision in 2030 to become a leading university in the development of science, technology and arts (IPTEKS) based on Islamic values. The vision is divided into several milestones. In 2026, UMM's milestone is to achieve international accreditation. For that, every section, unit, institution, faculty and even study program is required to prepare various internationalization programs through various activities with an international scope.

Globalization is an issue that can no longer be avoided. Globalization is a demand of the times, including for higher education institutions. Global competition is a challenge that must be faced in all fields of science. As a Legal Higher Education Institution, the Faculty of Law of the University of Muhammadiyah Malang (FH-UMM) is required to produce graduates who have complete competencies so that they are able to compete in global competition. For that, FH-UMM has prepared various internationalization programs such as:

1. Provision of English language skills

The Faculty of Law of the University of Muhammadiyah Malang provides English language skills for the first 2 semesters through the FLSP (Foreign Language for Special Purpose) course. The teachers/tutors in this course are competent tutors in their fields. At the end of the program, students must pass an English language proficiency test by achieving a certain score. This program is equivalent to Diploma 1.

2. English Class

The Faculty of Law, University of Muhammadiyah Malang prepares 1 class for each class that uses English as the medium of instruction. In this class, each teaching lecturer will use bilingual, namely English and Indonesian. This class is actually a pilot program that will later be directed to become an international class that uses English fully. Foreign students who take study programs at FH-UMM will be placed in this class.

3. English discussion forum

In order to improve students' English language skills, the University of Muhammadiyah Malang provides a Student Activity Unit (UKM) called the International Language Forum (ILF) which is under the guidance of the student affairs department. In this UKM, students can improve their English language skills through various activities such as Discussions, Debates, Speeches, Seminars, etc. which of course use international languages, especially English.

4. Student exchange

English is one of the most widely used international languages ​​in the world. FH-UMM has collaborations with several overseas campuses such as Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Yongsan University (South Korea), Daegu University (South Korea), etc. One form of activity that is the scope of the collaboration is Student Exchange. The purpose of this activity is to provide students with study experience in a foreign country.

5. International Short Course

The Faculty of Law, University of Muhammadiyah Malang routinely holds International Short Courses that invite students from various parts of the world. In this activity, it is not only related to the field of law, but also sharing culture between countries. The purpose of this activity is to provide students with experience to interact, exchange experiences and cultures between students from various countries.

6. International Cooperation

UMM has established overseas cooperation and is still ongoing with, among others, Erasmus Mundus, ACICIS, American Peace Corps, Dutch BGP Engineering, AMINEF, AIESEC, EESTEC, USAID, AUSAID, American Corner, and Saudi Arabia Corner. In the field of education and teaching, UMM has declared itself as a higher education institution that is nationally and internationally competitive based on local wisdom with achievement indicators:

  1. Student-based learning programs
  2. The realization of a campus that inspires the growth and development of scientific culture
  3. A conducive teaching and learning atmosphere
  4. The quality of students and graduates
  5. Increasing the quality and number of national and international study programs
  6. Increasing the number of countries of origin of students, both undergraduate and postgraduate programs
  7. The realization of educational cooperation through the exchange of lecturers and students with foreign universities.