Job competition is getting tighter, especially in the scope of global competition. In order to win the competition, every graduate must have the competency as a professional. Currently, the competitiveness of domestic professional workers is still low when compared to foreign workers. Therefore, as a Higher Education Institution of Law that has a vision to produce professional law graduates, the Faculty of Law UMM is challenged to provide professional skills to students. As a professional, Graduates of the Faculty of Law, University of Muhammadiyah Malang must have the special competencies needed by every legal profession, be it Advocates, Notaries, Prosecutors, Judges, HRD Staff, etc. To meet these needs, the Faculty of Law must provide competency training programs along with their certification.
The provision and implementation of legal skills (competency) training programs needed by every legal profession is carried out by the Law Laboratory through various activities such as Practicum, Legal Skills Education and Training, and Internships. These various programs are always adjusted to the latest developments. Meanwhile, specifically for professional certification, it is carried out by the Professional Skills Certification Body of University of Muhammadiyah Malang (LSP UMM) which has been accredited by the Indonesian Professional Certification Authority (BNSP). LSP UMM has had more than 90 certification schemes. 2 of them are the Work Requirements Management Scheme and the Young Industrial Relations Analyst which are adjusted to the Minister of Manpower and Transmigration Decree Number 346 of 2014.