بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ
Assalaamu'alaikum warahmatullohi wabarakatuh

Welcome to the official website of the Law Faculty, University of Muhammadiyah Malang (hereinafter referred to as LFUMM). LFUMM achieved an A accreditation for more than three decades. LFUMM combines the characteristics of professionalism, humanism, and religiosity as the main vision and mission in conducting higher education in law, which will eventually become the main characteristics of our graduates. This unique character is planned and measured in the LFUMM curriculum, where this curriculum not only prepares students to excel in legal theory and professionals in legal practice, but also prepares students to have a high understanding and awareness of the importance of upholding and respecting human dignity. , and always provide himself to always share goodness with the community. Therefore, it is not surprising that our students have a myriad of academic and non-academic achievements and are actively involved in various social activities and community service.
This website introduces you to a wealth of information through which you can access, work, study and cooperate with LFUMM. We have an advanced curriculum with more than 56 courses offered, dozens of lecturers with strong expertise and skills and their contribution to the development of legal studies and law enforcement in society. The LFUMM has continue to enrich itself with experiences through the arragement of various advance academic events at both, the national and international levels. The LFUMM has the research roadmaps and track records in which enable its academic staff to dig and deep the conception of law, develop the efficacy of law enforcement process, and as well as to break the gap between law in book and law in practice. Moreover, the LFUMM has been done a lot of efforts to prepare our heart, the students of law faculty to be the best students and person in society. Therefore, they are successfully hold many awards and achievements.
The LFUMM has open its door and mind to always develop mutual benefits cooperation with various university partners at both, the international and national levels, governments, coorporations, as well as law offices. Here, the LFUMM very humble to call you to have academic dialogue with other scholars through our reliable academic journal of Legality with ranked Shinta 2. Finally, on behalf of the UMM law faculty leader, I hope this website can encourage you to get to know more about the Faculty of Law, University of Muhammadiyah Malang.
Wassalamu'alaikum warahmatullohi wabarakatuh
All best regards,
Prof. Dr. Tongat, S.H, M.H
Dean of Law Faculty of University of Muhammadiyah Malang
Edited by: CYA, 2020