Give Solutions Related to Upholding Human Rights During the Pandemic, Students of the Faculty of Law UMM Become Speakers at the National Colloquium

Tuesday, December 22, 2020 08:41 WIB   Fakultas Hukum


Malang (22/12) - The dynamics of human rights enforcement during the Covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia are an interesting topic to discuss. As a form of scientific contribution, one of the UMM Faculty of Law students took part to share ideas in upholding human rights.
It was Ana Fauzia, a UMM FH student who was active in several scientific activities and was chosen as the Ambassador of the National Mapresnas some time ago. This time, Ana Fauzia tries to provide a solution related to human rights enforcement through the title of "Law and Human Rights Enforcement Efforts through One Health Approach and Law Enforcement".
Ana Fauzia's article was selected and presented in the Lex Scientia Law Review Student Colloguium 2020 organized by the Faculty of Law, Semarang State University (FH UNNES).
"The presentation on December 20 was via online. The title I raised could be used as a responsive effort to provide an intense and continuous policy so that the government would focus more on providing health-related regulations. Given that health quality has indeed become the root of the problem during the pandemic period. covid-19. " Said Ana
Ana continued, to strengthen her idea, the solution she offers is to link international cooperation and the role of stakeholders from non-governmental and non-health workers as an effort to increase the effectiveness of health policy intensity so that it can be implemented optimally. As an output of the colloquium activity, selected articles will be published in a national journal accredited by Sinta.