Divorce Case in Malang Regency are Getting Higher, Faculty of Law UMM Lecturer Publishes Marriage Law Book

Thursday, December 17, 2020 12:19 WIB   Fakultas Hukum

Malang (16/12) - From January to September 2020, there have been 5,464 divorce cases that have been submitted to the Kepanjen religious court, Malang Regency. The number of cases makes Malang Regency in second place under Indramayu Regency, West Java, the highest divorce rate in Indonesia.

Seeing this fact, a lecturer at the Faculty of Law of UMM, Tinuk Dwi Cahyani, S.H., S.HI., M.Hum, tried to present a solution and unravel the problems of marriage through a book entitled Marriage Law. The new book published by UMM Press consists of 8 chapters on 186 pages.

"This book was born because of my anxiety regarding the high divorce rate in Malang Regency. I also often accompany couples, trying to mediate so they don't get divorced. Marriage is a sacred bond." Said Tinuk Dwi Cahyani, M.Hum

Tinuk hopes that the book can be a reference for solving household problems so that a sakinah mawaddah wa rahmah marriage can be realized. Apart from discussing the problems of marriage, the book also presents the concept of marriage law in the perspective of customary law and national law, marriage agreements, interfaith marriage to polygamy. (saf / hum)
