Students Organizations

Student activities are not only limited to academic activities (curricular), UMM Faculty students can also do non-academic activities (co-curricular and extra-curricular). These non-academic activities are supporting activities that students can take to develop their non-academic potential. University of Muhammadiyah Malang, especially the Faculty of Law, provides facilities in the form of Student Organizations (Ormawa) in order to accommodate and develop the potential of students to achieve their highest achievements. Student Organizations at UMM are available at the University and Faculty levels. Student Organizations in the Faculty of Law are as follows:

  1. The Student Executive Board of Law Faculty (BEM-FH)
  2. The Student Senate of Law Faculty
  3. Semi-Autonomous Institute (LSO)

In addition, student activities are also accommodated by the the Volleyball Community, the Basketball Community (Resitation), and the Legal and Legislative Drafting Community.

In addition, at the university level, there are various Student Activity Units (UKM) such as Menwa, Theater, KSR, PSM Gita Surya (Choir), Scouts, Dimpa, Basketball, Football, Student English Forum, and others. As part of the Association, the University of Muhammadiyah Malang also provides guidance to the Autonomous Organizations of the Muhammadiyah Association such as Tapak Suci, Hizbul Wathan, and the Muhammadiyah Student Association.
