Administrative Support

The Faculty of Law, University of Muhammadiyah Malang (FH-UMM) has a Professional, Humanist and Religious Jargon. This has the consequence that in organizing higher education, FH-UMM is required to provide professional, humanist services based on Islamic values. One part of the service provided by FH-UMM is Administrative Services. FH-UMM is always determined to provide excellent service, especially to students in order to provide comfort and convenience for students in undergoing their studies. For this reason, FH-UMM provides hybrid administrative services that can be accessed by every student either directly (offline) or online which can be accessed wherever students are. For offline services, FH-UMM Administrative Staff is always ready to provide friendly and fast response services in the Administration service room. To facilitate administrative services for students who are not on campus, UMM provides online services based on Management Information Systems such as SIM of Final Project, SIM of Human Resource Development, SIM of Info KHS, etc. One of the Management Information Systems provided by FH-UMM is SIM of Final Project (SIMTA). This system is used to simplify the registration process, guidance, to the assessment of the Final Project Exam. In order to simplify the performance of lecturers and education staff, UMM provides a Management Information System of Human Resource Development. This system is made to make it easier for lecturers to take care of all administrative matters. For students, administrative matters can be accessed through the Student Information Management Information System. Through this system, students can access all administrative services needed by students. FH-UMM is always committed to organizing professional, humanistic higher education in law, which is based on Islamic values ​​with excellent service.