The Faculty of Law, University of Muhammadiyah Malang is committed to producing professional, Humanist and Religious Law Graduates. For that, we have prepared an integrated and measurable student development program starting from the beginning of entry until graduation. FH-UMM believes that every student has potential that can be developed. With the development program through various activities that have been prepared, each potential can be developed so that each student can achieve their highest achievement. There are 3 activities that will be carried out by each student, namely curricular, co-curricular and extra-curricular activities. These 3 activities will be carried out by students continuously and in an integrated manner.
In certain conditions, these 3 activities will often clash or be carried out at the same time. For example, when students take part in a competition, it is not uncommon for the time to coincide with the lecture schedule. In the integrated development program that has been prepared by FH-UMM, this will not be a problem. FH-UMM will facilitate permission from the lecturer in charge of the course. There are several categories that will be given permission services, including: Sick with a doctor's statement, participating in official competitions, participating in various co-curricular and extra-curricular activities, and participating in curricular activities outside the campus. Every student who participates in these activities can apply for dispensation (permission) not to attend lectures to the Vice Dean for Student Affairs or Vice Dean for Academic Affairs. Furthermore, a Dispensation Request Letter (Permission) will be issued to be given to the lecturer in charge of the course that cannot be attended by the student.