Malang (16/1) - Lecturer of FH UMM, Tinuk Dwi Cahyani, SH., S.HI., M.Hum., P.hD, conducted international community service activities in Thailand. This time, Tinuk, as she is usually called, conducted international community service activities in Thailand by collaborating with the Muhammadiyah Special Branch Leadership (PCIM) Thailand. The agenda, which took place at the end of 2024, took place in a hybrid method, namely offline and online via Zoom.
"The purpose of the mediator's legal counseling is to facilitate the resolution of legal problems faced by Indonesian citizens and cadres in Thailand. However, PCIM Thailand does not have special expertise in out-of-court settlement or mediation. In this context, mediation is used to reconcile the gap in bargaining power between the conflicting parties to reach an agreement." Tinuk said.
Furthermore, Tinuk added that the role of the mediator is mainly focused on resolving the problems expressed by the conflicting parties. The counseling approach includes preparation, explanation of the role and function of the mediator, division of tasks, and a question and answer session. All participants in this program observed the mediation simulation carried out by each group. Each group acts as a mediator and facilitates communication between the two parties to resolve the dispute. The concept of "being in the middle" requires the mediator to maintain neutrality and impartiality, not taking sides with one of the conflicting parties. Through this legal service, participants gain a more comprehensive understanding of the concepts discussed in mediation, including the role of the mediator, negotiation strategies, and constructive conflict management techniques. (saf/hum)