Learn the Curriculum & Technical Apprenticeship of Law, Faculty of Law, Ahmad Dahlan University Online Comparative Study to the Faculty of Law of UMM

Friday, March 05, 2021 20:09 WIB   Fakultas Hukum


Malang (4/3) - Faculty of Law, Ahmad Dahlan University conducted an online comparative study to the Faculty of Law, University of Muhammadiyah Malang. The online comparative study agenda (27/2) was conducted for sharing about internships, especially those held by the Law Laboratory.
"So far, internships are only an option for our students. In the Faculty of Law, UMM is compulsory, it is an apprenticeship and KKN. Therefore, we want to learn the ins and outs of legal apprenticeship at the Faculty of Law of UMM." Said Fauzan Muhammadi, Lc., L.LM., Head of the Ahmad Dahlan University Law Study Program.
On the occasion of the online comparative study, Dr. Tongat, the Dean of the Faculty of Law of UMM said that the Faculty of Law of UMM has a choice of regular apprenticeship programs and integrated apprenticeships. Students can choose which one is suitable and according to their individual needs.
It was further explained in detail by the Head of the Non-Litigation Division of the Law Laboratory of the Faculty of Law of UMM, Cholidah, MH., That the curriculum and technical internships had been contained in the curriculum guidelines as well as several SOPs.
"We made a written regulation. Because our students are obliged to take part in KKN and internships, not choosing one of them. For internships, there is a regular apprenticeship scheme and an integrated apprenticeship. At the University level, there is even a BUMN apprenticeship, so there are many choices, depending on the needs of students. " Said Cholidah.
Through this comparative study, it is hoped that it can further strengthen the relationship and cooperation between the two institutions, especially in welcoming the MBKM era as planned by the Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia. (saf / hum)