Welcoming the Era of Independent Campus, FH UMM Departed 11 Internship Student Groups

Saturday, February 01, 2020 07:16 WIB   Fakultas Hukum

Malang (1/2) - Internship is one part of a course presented at the Faculty of Law, University of Muhammadiyah Malang (FH UMM). The Internship Course was a provision for UMM Law Faculty students to become skilled and competent legal experts. In the Internship Course, students are given the freedom to determine the choice of internship locations in accordance with the competencies and knowledge they want to develop. This is in line with the directions delivered by the Minister of Education and Culture some time ago about independent campus and learning.

In this 2019/2020 academic year, the internship agenda was followed by 11 groups divided in several places. The small number of groups participating in the internship is due to the large number of internship schemes at UMM, such as integrated internship, BUMN internship, international internships and more.

 "We are committed to producing competent graduates, both in hard skills and soft skills. So, through this internship, both skills are honed. Internships are also in line with the direction of the Minister of Education and Culture, about independent learning and an independent campus. (saf/hum)
