Associate Professor
Expertise: Administrative Law
Catur was born in Probolinggo in 1965. She is a civil servant lecturer who has taught at UMM since 1989. An active writer in various national and international journals and proceedings. She has been asked several times to provide expert testimony in corruption trials. Equally, she has also been asked several times to be an expert in the preparation of laws and regulations at the level of Regional Regulations and Laws. Until now, Catur is a member of several associations such as the Association of HTN and HAN Lecturers (APHTN-HAN) as the East Java Regional administrator, the Muhammadiyah Constitutional Law Society (MAHUTAMA) as the Central administrator, as well as a member of the Constitutional Court Procedural Law Lecturers Association, and the Association of Lecturers of Legislation (Assipper).
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S3 Universitas Jember
S2 Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang (M.Hum)
S2 Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang (M.Si)
S1 Universitas Jember
Administrative Law
Regional Government and Autonomy Law
State Administrative Law
Constitution and State Agencies Law
Law and Public Policy
Journal Articles: