Expertise: Criminal Law
Prof. Dr. Sidik Sunaryo, SH., M. Si., M.Hum., a graduate of the Faculty of Law, University of Muhammadiyah Malang in 1990. He obtained a Master of Sociology (MSi.) from the University of Muhammadiyah Malang (1994), a Master of Law (M.Hum) from the Postgraduate Program of the University of Muhammadiyah Malang (2012). He obtained a Law Doctorate from the Doctoral Law Program, University of Brawijaya (2016).
His expertise is in the Justice System, Sociology of Law, Research Methods, and Criminology. Prof. Sidik has consistently researched and studied Judges' Decisions in Indonesia and Judges' Decisions from other countries since 2004 until now. In addition, he also has a lot of research, especially in the field of criminal law. Some of them are: Judicial Crime Juridical Conception, Alternative Criminal Justice System (Study of Dual System Criminal Justice System), Corruption Justice System Model, Strengthening Community Participation in Eradicating Corruption, Eradicating Corruption in Indonesia from the Perspective of Good Governance Principles, Legal Typology of Problems in Formulating Corruption Crimes, Comparative Study of Legal Aid Institutionalization Models in Several Countries, Profile of Judges' Decisions in Indonesia, Type of Corruption Crime Law in District Court Judges' Decisions, Legal Discovery in District Court Judges' Decisions in Corruption Crime Cases, Rechtsvinding in Legislation in Indonesia, Seeking Judges with Integrity for Judicial Reform in Indonesia (Study of Judge Appointment Model in Indonesia), Transcendence Ideology Reflects Fair Legal Certainty in Judges' Decisions in Indonesia, Positiveization of Islamic Law in the Indonesian Legal System, Internalization of Islamic Values in Reforming the Juvenile Justice System, Comparison Judges' Decisions on Corruption Crimes in Indonesia and America
Prof. Sidik is a prolific writer and has produced many written works, both scientific articles and books. Many scientific articles have been published in various reputable national and international scientific journals, as well as scientific articles disseminated at various international seminars. He has also written several books, both reference books and book chapters. He is also active as a speaker at national and international seminars, including the 2016 International Annual Symposium, International Center for Law and Religion Studies, J. Reuben Clark Law School, Brigham Young University, USA; The Social and Humaniora Research Symposium (SoRes 2018).
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S3 Universitas Brawijaya
S2 Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang (Sosiologi)
S2 Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang (Hukum)
S1 Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang
Introduction to Jurisprudence
Criminal Justice System
Sosiology of Law
Sunaryo, S. (2004). Kapita Selekta Sistem Peradilan Pidana. Malang: UMM Press. ISBN: 9789793602288, 9793602287
Sunaryo, S. (Ed.). (2023). Adresat Hukum. Malang: UMM Press. ISBN: 978-979-769-775-8
Sunaryo, S., Pratiwi, C. S., & Purnamawati, S, A. (2017). Buku Saku Kriminalisasi Sebagai Tindak Pidana. Malang: AE Publishing. ISBN: 978-602-5468-23-0
Sunaryo, S. (Ed). (2021). Dimensi Keadilan Pluraliitas. Malang: UMM Press. ISBN: 978-979-796-612-6
Sunaryo, S. (2021). “Nurani” Putusan Hakim Perkara Korupsi di Indonesia. Malang: UMM Press. ISBN: 978-979-796-561-7