Associate Professor
Expertise: International Law, Human Rights, Public Administration Law
Cekli Setya Pratiwi, SH., LL.M., M.CL., Ph.D., has contributed extensively to legal education and research for over 25 years at the Faculty of Law, University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM). Her academic qualifications span four countries, including a Bachelor of Laws (SH) from Universitas Brawijaya (Indonesia), a Master of Laws (LL.M) specializing in International and European Human Rights Law from Utrecht University (Netherlands), a Master of Comparative Law (M.CL) from Brigham Young University (United States), and a Ph.D. in Human Rights and Peace Studies from Mahidol University (Thailand).
In her academic role, Dr. Pratiwi is involved in teaching, research, and publications, making significant contributions to the fields of international human rights law, constitutional law, public administrative law, good governance, and peace studies. She has published extensively in reputable international journals and contributed to key books, including the bilingual coursebook Sharia & Human Rights: A Coursebook (2022), which serves as a critical reference in Indonesia, Norway, and the United States. Additionally, her book Hukum dan HAM: Teori dan Studi Kasus (2024) received the second-place award for Best National Book in the Human Rights category from the National Library of Indonesia.
Dr. Pratiwi has also collaborated on influential studies and projects. These include a Restatement of General Principles of Good Governance in partnership with institutions like LEIP and Leiden University's Van Vollenhoven Institute, as well as research on the roots of hate speech in Malaysia, conducted with Article 19 (London) and ASEAN Parliamentarians for Human Rights. Furthermore, she has contributed to the development of a Human Rights Assessment Guide for Indonesia's National Strategy Program under Bappenas and Komnas HAM. Currently, she is an external expert of Indonesian National Commission of Human Rights to develop a Module of Human Rights Assessment for State Ministries and Institutions.
Her international engagement includes speaking at academic forums across Asia, Europe, and the United States, with notable appearances at institutions like Oxford University. Since 2020, she has served as an International Academic Advisor for the Annual Rule of Law and Religion Workshop organized by the International Center for Law and Religion Studies (ICLRS) at Oxford.
In addition to her academic pursuits, Dr. Pratiwi is actively involved in public service and advocacy. She has been a two-term member of the International Cooperation Council of PWM (Pimpinan Wilayah Muhammadiyah) East Java and currently serves as Secretary General of SEPAHAM Indonesia (the Indonesian Association of Human Rights Lecturers). Her national roles include serving as an External Expert for Komnas HAM, contributing to the revision of Indonesia's Information and Electronic Transactions Law (UU ITE) and the National Human Rights Assessment Strategy Program from 2023 to 2025.
Dr. Pratiwi has also dedicated her expertise to capacity-building initiatives, such as the annual Shariah and Human Rights training program, which fosters dialogue between Islamic law and international human rights. This program is supported by institutions like the Norwegian Center for Human Rights and Brigham Young University's International Center for Law and Religion Studies. Her work also includes translating a Case Law book on Law and Religion by Cole Durham and Brett Scharffs into Bahasa Indonesia, further enriching legal scholarship in Indonesia.
Through her research, publications, and public service, Dr. Pratiwi has significantly influenced legal discourse and policy, particularly in the areas of human rights and governance, while fostering international collaboration to advance peace and justice.
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Alternatif :
Ph.D Mahidol University (Thailand)
M.CL Brigham Young University (Utah, USA)
LL.M Utrecht University (Belanda)
S1 Universitas Brawijaya
International Law
Law and Human Rights
Introduction to indonesian Law
Legal Research Method
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Pratiwi, C. S. (2024). Hukum Internasional Publik: Konsep Dasar, Norma dan Studi Kasus. UMMPress: Malang |
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Pratiwi, C. S. & Ramadhan F., (2023). Hukum Hak Asasi Manusia: Teori dan Studi Kasus. UMMPRESS: Malang |
Lena Larsen, dkk. (2022). HAM & SYARIAT. Indonesia: Bentang Pustaka. | |
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Bedner, A. W., & Pratiwi, C. S. (2018). General Principles of Good Governance. UI Press: Jakarta |
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Herlambang, Cekli, (2017) Penelitian Socio Legal Asas-Asas Umum Pemerintahan Yang Baik Dalam Perkara Tata Usaha Negara. Jucidial Sector Support Program. |
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Rully, Pratiwi. C.S. and Mugiyanto (2016). Modul Pelatihan Prinsip-prinsip Panduan PBB Tentang Bisnis dan HAM. Memastikan Prektik yang Menghormati Hak Asasi Manusia. Infid. November 2016 |
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Pratiwi, C.S., Fauzi, (2016). Penjelasan Hukum Asas-Asas Umum Pemerintahan Yang Baik (AUPB) Hukum Administrasi Negara. Judicial Sector Support Program. |
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Pratiwi, C.S. (2014). HAM: Konsep Dasar, Prinsip-prinsip dan Instrumen HAM Di Tingkat Internasional dan di Indonesia. (Human Rights Law: basic concept, principles and legal instrument on international and national level)., in Hasnan Bahtiar (ed). Hak Asasi Manusia Untuk Kebabasan Beragama Dan Berkeyakinan Di Indonesia, Keniscayaan, Kenyataan dan Penguatan. PUSAM, Program Pasca Sarjana UMM and the Asia Foundation, Malang. ISBN 978-602-1507-22-3 Part II p.180-210 |
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Pratiwi, C.S. (2014). Penghormatan dan Perlindungan Hak Asasi Manusia Khususnya Hak Kebebasan Beragama dan Berkeyakinan di Indonesia. (Respecting and protecting Human Rights on the right to freedom of religion and belief in Indonesia). in Hasnan Bahtiar (ed). Hak Asasi Manusia Untuk Kebabasan Beragama dan Berkeyakinan di Indonesia, Keniscayaan, Kenyataan dan Penguatan. PUSAM, Program Pasca Sarjana UMM and the Asia Foundation, Malang. ISBN 978-602-1507-22-3. Part II p.224-251 |
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Pratiwi, C.S. (2011). Transformasi norma hukum HAM Internasional ke dalam hukum nasional untuk mewujudkan regulasi negara demokrasi yang konstisuional. (Transformation of Internaltional Human Rights Legal Standard into domestic law of Indonesia towards democratic constitutional state). In Membangun Negara Hukum Yang Bermartabat. Malang: Setara Press dan Universitas Widyagama, ISBN: 978-602-17091-5-3.p. |
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Pratiwi, C.S. (2003). Citizen Lawsuit Dalam Teori dan Prakteknya Di Indonesia (Citizen Lawsuit in Theory and Practical in Indonesia). Malang: Law Laboratory Law Faculty of UMM. |
Sulardi & Pratiwi, C.S. (2002). Mengukuhkan Negara Kesatuan: Menepis Diskursus dan Mengabaikan Konsep Negara (Unitarian state form resistance, discourse ending while ignoring to state concept). Malang: UMM Press, ISBN: 979 – 3021 – 38 – 1. |
Journal Articles:
Pratiwi, C.S. (2010). Wajah UU Pasca Uji Materiil MK (Menggugat Pemegang kekuasaaan Legislasi, Mendorong Tegaknya Konstitusi dan Terwujudnya The Rule of Law). Jurnal Konstitusi. 2010)
Introducing the Transcendence Conflict Resolution Approach for Building Mutual Respect Among Religions: Critiques of the conflict settlement management approach of Shia vs Sunni in Sampang, Indonesia, Proceeding of the Online International Conference: “Religion and the Rule of Law: Towards a Harmonious Relationship in the Era of Globalization”, April 30, 2021, Hanoi, Vietnam