Assistant Professor
Expertise: Criminal Law
Shinta Achieved her Bachelor of Law degree from Brawijaya Faculty of Law (2003) and her Master of Law (M.H.) degree from Brawijaya University (2016). Shinta has expertise in the criminal justice system, child and women's protection law, and military criminal law. Shinta actively writes in various scientific journals. Some of her recent writings are as a member of the research on General Principles of Good Governance (Leip: 2016), Pocket Book on Preventing Criminalization in Education (AE Publishing, 2017); The Problem of Great Precision Juridical and Sociological in Corruption Case (the Spirit of Society Journal, 2018); Social Civil Education in the Scientific Civil Society of Baduy Community (the Spirit of Society Journal, 2018); Correct Legal Paradigm and Good Law (Criminal Law and Development Journal, 2019); Problem of the Doctrine of Racism of Chinese Ethnicity as Indonesian Citizens (Rechtidee Journal, 2020). Shinta actively participates in various scientific meetings in the field of criminal law, both nationally and internationally, and is also a member of the Indonesian Criminal Law and Criminology Society (MAHUPIKI), as well as being a legal consultant related to Human Resources in several companies.
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S3 Universitas Brawijaya
S2 Universitas Brawijaya
S1 Universitas Brawijaya
Criminal Law
Specialized Criminal Law
Criminal Law and Procedure
Women and Child Protection
Pratiwi C.S., Purnamawati S.A., Fauzi, Purbawati C.Y., (2018). Asas-Asas Umum Pemerintahan yang Baik. ISBN: 978-979-97057-4-7. Jakarta: LeIP
Purnamawati S.A. (2021). Keadilan dalam Kearifan Lokal. In Sunaryo, S. (Ed). Dimensi Keadilan Pluraliitas (pp. 59-72). Malang: UMM Press. ISBN: 978-979-796-612-6