Associate Professor
Expertise: Criminal Justice System
Mokh. Najih, S.H. M.Hum., Ph.D is a Doctoral Program graduate from Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. He is an expert in the field of Criminal Justice System who usually teaches Introduction to Indonesian Law courses. The 60-year-old man is currently serving as the 4th Chairman of the Indonesian Ombudsman since 2021. Previously, the former Dean of the UMM Faculty of Law had had a lot of experience, such as Head of the UMM Professional Certification Institute, Chair of the APSIH PTM Association (2016-2021), Deputy Chair of ASPEHUPIKI (1995-2005), Deputy Chair of the East Java PWM Law and Human Rights Council (2001-2010), and many other experiences.
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S3 Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
S2 Universitas Diponegoro
S1 Universitas Brawijaya
Criminal Law
Criminal Justice System
Criiminal Policy
Criminal Law Reform