Dr. Surya Anoraga, SH. MHum., (Associate Professor)

Associate Professor

Expertise: Administrative Law


Dr. Surya graduated from the Faculty of Law, Universitas Brawijaya (1989), Master of Law from Airlangga University in 1995, and earned a Doctorate degree from Airlangga University in 2002. He is a lecturer in environmental law, constitutional law, and legal writing methodology. The papers published in the last five years are (1) Banning the Indonesian Ahmaadiyah Congregation (JAI): Tinjuan Juridis (Journal of Islamic Society Studies SALAM V. 15 (2) 2012, PPS-UMM; (2) Forms of Central Government Supervision of Regional Regulations In the Era of Regional Autonomy (Journal of Legality, V 20 (2), 2013).



Email       : anoragasurya@ymail.com

Alternatif : 


S3 Universitas Airlangga

S2 Universitas Airlangga

S1 Universitas Brawijaya

Current Courses

Administrative Law

Environmental Law

International Law





Book Chapter:



  • Administrative Law
  • Environmental Law
  • International Law